Aly and Fila-Rising Sun (The Remixes)-ARDI2127-WEB-2011

Категория: Aly and Fila |

Aly and Fila-Rising Sun (The Remixes)-ARDI2127-WEB-2011


ARTiST......: Aly & Fila
TiTLE.......: Rising Sun (The Remixes)
LABEL.......: Armada

GENRE.......: Trance
STR DATE....: 2011-06-17

SiZE........: 316,25 megs
QUALiTY.....: 320kbps 44100kHz Full Stereo



1. Aly And Fila Vs Activa - Medellin (Audien's Fusion 7:01
2. Aly And Fila Feat. Catherine Crow - It Will Be Ok 8:09
(Arctic Moon Remix)
3. Aly And Fila Feat. Catherine Crow - It Will Be Ok 8:29
(Mohamed Ragab Remix)
4. Aly And Fila Feat. Denise Rivera - My Mind Is With 8:21
You (Dj Feel Remix)
5. Aly And Fila - Rosaires (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) 7:42
6. Aly And Fila Feat. Josie - Listening (Tom Fall 7:35
7. Aly And Fila Feat. Josie - Listening (Ronski Speed 9:33
8. Aly And Fila - Menes (Den Rize & Mark Andrez 8:05
9. Aly And Fila Feat. Sue MCLaren - Still (Jorn Van 7:35
Deynhoven Remix)
10. Aly And Fila Vs Bjorn Akesson - Perfect Red 7:40
(Alexander Popov Remix)
11. Aly And Fila Feat. Sue MCLaren - I Can Hear You 8:30
(Beat Service Remix)
12. Aly And Fila Vs Philippe El Sisi Feat. Senadee - 7:36
Without You (Nhato Remix)
13. Aly And Fila Feat. Tiff Lacey - Paradise (Club 9:54
14. Aly And Fila - Khepera (Leon Bolier Remix) 8:07
15. Aly And Fila - Sandgroper (Bryan Kearney's Beyond 6:08
The Mind Remix)
16. Aly And Fila Feat. Jass - Breeze (DNS Project 7:45
17. Aly And Fila - Rising Sun (Bjorn Akesson Remix) 9:01

PLAYTiME: 02:17:11


Другие похожие новости:
  • Aly And Fila-Rising Sun-Promo CD-2010-TSP
  • Aly And Fila Feat Tiff Lacey-Paradise Incl Ruben De Ronde Remixes-2011
  • Aly and Fila - Future Sound of Egypt 185 (16-05-2011)
  • Aly And Fila-Rising Sun Extended Mixes-WEB-2010-WAV
  • Progressence-Rising Sun-COF069-WEB-2011
  •  (голосов: 1)
    Автор: FRAER_X Добавлено: 17-06-2011, 14:35 Просмотров: 4039  
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