Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto-The Other Shore Incl Tritonal Remix-AUTR010-WEB-2011

Категория: WEB синглы |

Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto-The Other Shore Incl Tritonal Remix-AUTR010-WEB-2011

Artist(s) ..........:: Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto
Title ..............:: The Other Shore

Genre ..............:: Trance
Record Label .......:: Air Up There Recordings

Catalogue Number ...:: AUTR010

Source .............:: WEB
Quality ............:: 320kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Joint Stereo
Tracks .............:: 3
Duration ...........:: 00:26:29 (60.68 MB)
Release Date .......:: 05-12-2011
Rip Date ...........:: 05-12-2011
Url ................::

Tracklist ..........::
1. (00:08:50) Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto - The Other Shore (Original Mix)
2. (00:09:22) Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto - The Other Shore (Matt Lange Club Mix)
3. (00:08:17) Matt Lange Feat Cristina Soto - The Other Shore (Tritonal Air Up There Remix)


Другие похожие новости:
  • Tritonal - Air Up There 040 (20-07-2011)
  • Will Holland - Enhanced Sessions 086 Incl Tritonal Guestmix-09-05-2011
  • Tritonal-Piercing The Quiet-WEB-2011
  • Tritonal - Air Up There 055 03-12-2011
  • Tritonal - Air Up There 038 18-05-2011
  •  (голосов: 0)
    Автор: FRAER_X Добавлено: 5-12-2011, 23:50 Просмотров: 960  
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