Rielism Mixed By Sied Van Riel-WEB-2011

Категория: WEB синглы |

Rielism Mixed By Sied Van Riel-WEB-2011

Artist(s) .........:: VA
Title .............:: Rielism (Mixed By Sied Van Riel)

Genre .............:: Trance
Record Label ......:: Black Hole Recordings
Catalogue Number ..:: BHCD78-1

Source ............:: WEB
Quality ...........:: 320kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Joint Stereo
Duration ..........:: 05:25:55 (778.MB)
Release Date ......:: 09-05-2011
Support ...........:: http://www.audiojelly.com

Tracklist .........::

1. Re-Zone & Zmey - One Love, One Life, One 6:27
Fate (Dean Newton Remix)
2. Zack Roth - Silver Of Blue 7:24
3. Vinson - Circular Progression 6:46
4. Chris Domingo & Derek James - Call 6:29
5. Danny Chen - Oceanside 6:53
6. BT Feat JES - The Light In Things (tyDi 9:17
7. Julius Beat & Eddy Karmona - Real Life 7:05
(KhoMha Remix)
8. Simmons & Blanc - Sweet & Sour 7:16
9. Allure Feat Hendrik B - Mariestad (Edit) 3:37
10.Save The Robot - Red City 6:46
11.Sied Van Riel Feat Claudia Cazacu - 2:32
Lights Off (Edit)
12.Setrise & Matthew Nagle - Nailed It 6:40
13.Lange Pres LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In 6:23
The Ass (Lange Mix)
14.Akira Kayosa & Michael Dow Pres Alderney 8:00
- Unbreakable
15.Espen Lorentzen Feat Simon Latham - The 7:09
Light Inside (Dub Mix)
16.Sied Van Riel - Telephone Junkies 7:18
17.Ruby & Tony - Randers 6:18
18.Spark 7 & Thomas DeColita - ID 22 8:40
19.Simmons & Blanc Feat Chloe Langley - 6:40
State Of Emergency
20.Allure - I Am (Edit) 4:09
21.Sun Decade Feat Emma Lock - U Got Me 7:34
(Club Mix)
22.Daniel Kandi & Phillip Alpha - Don't Fix 4:11
23.Arty Feat Tania Zygar - The Wall 4:13
24.Juventa - Dionysia (Skytech Remix) 7:32
25.Richard Durand - Airwell 4:50
26.Jorge Nava & Tucandeo Feat Frieda Harnesk 7:17
- Somewhere I Belong (Eric Shaw's Big
Room Dub Mix)
27.Webster vs Baker - Chainsaw (Fred Baker 7:29
28.MEM - Illumination (Edit) 2:31
29.Sied Van Riel Feat Nicole McKenna - 6:08
Stealing Time
30.VA - Rielism Part 1 (Mixed By Sied Van 69:40
31.VA - Rielism Part 2 (Mixed By Sied Van 72:41

Release Note ......::

Другие похожие новости:
  • Sied van Riel - Rielism 052 (14-03-2011)
  • Sied van Riel - Rielism 060 25-07-2011
  • Sied van Riel - Rielism 067 12-12-2011
  • Sied van Riel - Rielism 054 (11-04-2011)
  • Sied van Riel - Rielism 055 (25-04-2011)
  •  (голосов: 1)
    Автор: FRAER_X Добавлено: 9-05-2011, 01:47 Просмотров: 935  
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