Once Upon A Night The Lost Tapes-2011

Категория: Ferry Corsten |

Once Upon A Night The Lost Tapes-2011

Artist(s) .........:: VA
Title .............:: Once Upon A Night (The Lost Tapes)

Genre .............:: Trance
Record Label ......:: Premier
Catalogue Number ..:: PREMIER1420-0

Source ............:: WEB
Quality ...........:: 320kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Joint Stereo
Duration ..........:: 02:23:08 (334.MB)
Release Date ......:: 01-02-2011
Support ...........:: http://www.vinyl-distribution.co.uk

Tracklist .........::

1. Breakfast - Slow Motion (Breakfast Remix) 9:53
2. Yuri Kane Feat Melissa Loretta - Daylight 8:16
(DJ Feel Remix)
3. Tempo Giusto & Ima'gin - The Whip 7:33
(Synthika Remix)
4. The Airstatic - Worldwide (D-Mad Remix) 8:08
5. Mike Saint-Jules - Luna (Tempo Giusto 8:46
6. ReOrder - Angels (Faruk Sabanci Remix) 8:29
7. Amurai Feat Rough Duchess - Infinity 8:00
(Intro Mix)
8. Akira Kayosa - State Of Origin (Danilo 7:30
Ercole Remix)
9. Yuri Kane - Right Back (Dub Mix) 7:13
10.Mistigris - Sunshine (Dub Mix) 5:59
11.Amurai Feat Melissa Loretta - 8:25
Unconditional Love (Dub Mix)
12.Progressiver Pres FineSky - Fine Sky 7:10
(Eximinds Remix)
13.Salt Tank Pres Meet Me At The Burning Man 8:20
- Leaving Town (Salt Tank's KM5 Remix)
14.DJ Ange - Halicarnassus 7:29
15.The Airstatic - Worldwide 7:49
16.Akira Kayosa - A State Of Origin (Coll & 7:32
Tolland Mix)
17.Progressiver Pres FineSky - Fine Sky (EDU 8:00
18.ReOrder - Angels (Six Senses Remix) 8:36

Release Note ......::

Другие похожие новости:
  • Lost Tapes Vol. 5 (2022)
  • Eyot Tapes - Paradise Lost (2023)
  • Khan - Lost Acid Tapes Vol. 2 (2020)
  • Night Tapes - Assisted Memories (2024)
  • R3dX - The Lost Tapes LP (2022)
  •  (голосов: 0)
    Автор: FRAER_X Добавлено: 1-02-2011, 01:44 Просмотров: 2995  
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